Friday, March 10, 2017

Who's a Good Boy!?!?

Owen is!  Does anyone remember how approximately a year ago this little fella wouldn't even let me touch him?  Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration.  But he didn't like to be surprise touched, and definitely wouldn't let me pick him up.  Well we spent this last year working on it, and while at times we both struggled, I'm happy to say this is a changed dog.  What you see in the picture below is a dog who not only let me trim his face hairs (what a handsome boy!), but also let me trim his nails!  Even 5 or 6 months ago that would have been unheard of!  In fact, over Christmas I told a friend that I'd give her $100 to trim his nails for me.  Fortunately she hasn't visited since then, because I didn't really want to pay her for it.  Anyway...Adopt this bugger today to get a real, quality pup!

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