Monday, December 28, 2015

Bah Humbug!

Yep.  I was Scrooge this Christmas.  Not because I hate the holiday...because I don't.  Not because of the weather...I love that we haven't had to deal with snow or ice yet.  But because I caught that nasty flu bug that's been going around!  Not only did I catch it, but it only affected me on my 4 day weekend!  I was fine the last day of work before holiday, and I'm fine today back at work!  Not fair!  Ugh!  Unfortunately, it means the dogs didn't get to travel with me for the holidays, and I didn't take any Christmas pictures of them.  So I'm sorry.  But I do want to say all of the dogs were exceptionally well behaved while I was on my deathbed.  Isn't it amazing when they can just tell that their person isn't feeling well, so they behave even better for them?  We spent a nice, quiet 4 days on the couch, all cuddled up in blankets.  Even Ruthie and Jett cuddled with me!  Yes, when they're good...they're really good.  I really appreciated that from each of them!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

All About Ruth

 Ruthie is my little ball of energy.  It's so difficult to get a good picture of her, because she's always moving.
Is it playtime yet?

Who can resist these puppy dog eyes?

Soooooo tired!

Hardy's butt makes a really comfy pillow

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Who wants a Ruthie for Christmas?

Everyone should!  She's a doll!

Just look at how calmly she plays with this tennis ball:

And look how much fun she has playing tug-of-war with Jett:

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

Some Weekend Pics

Last Friday, my poor Hardy-bear had to have 8 teeth pulled (plus one more fell out on its own).  The vet tells me it's common with dogs his size (~5lbs) that they have overcrowding.  So he's had a rough weekend of eating soft food and taking pain meds.  I was also having a rough weekend due to allergies.  So we basically all spent the weekend just sitting on the couch.

My poor Hardy, sleeping off his sore mouth

All my babies taking a nap (top to bottom: Tippy, Jett, Hardy, and Ruthie)

I let Tippy lick out the dog food bowl after I gave Hardy his dinner

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

It's about time I post pics from Thanksgiving!

I know, I know...I'm a little slow.  If you've been following my blog for any length of time, you should already know that.  :-)  Anyway, here are some cute photos from Thanksgiving weekend!

Did I share this video already?  Oh well, it's too cute so I'm going to share it again.  All the dogs in their matching jackets, ready to visit the family!

Ruthie and my nephew (5) got along REALLY well.  He kept asking his parents if he could take home the "grinch dog" (because she looks like Max, not because she's a grinch).

Jett sat like this the whole time we were visiting my dad.  Maybe he thought if he sat like a person, we wouldn't notice him?

Ruthie will make herself comfortable, no matter what the obstacle.  :-)

Jett just begging for more cuddles and tummy rubs!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Another Reason to be Thankful

It's a few days past Thanksgiving, but I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has ever adopted, fostered, or loved dogs. I am grateful for everything you all do.

I want to give a special thanks to Zuzu's family. A little while back they donated some money to my fosters, and I just wanted to share a picture of all the loot! 
Lots of good stuff!  You can see from these videos what the favorite is.

Ruthie and Jett are obviously thankful for the bacon scented, durable ball. Tippy is thankful they stay out of his hair for a bit. :-)

And to close out this post, a picture of Zuzu and her cat friend Nelly, who until recently was an enemy I hear!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know it's unseasonably warm out, but I bought the pups matching jackets to wear today, so I have to show them off.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Mouse in the House!

One of the perks of living in the country is when the weather turns cold, the rodents move in.  Well, we had our first mouse sighting on Sunday.  I like to think the mice and I have a long as they don't steal my food and I don't see them, I don't mind them hanging out in the winter.  This little guy broke our truce.  I was sitting in the living room with the dogs, when all of a sudden we heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen.  Dogs freaked out.  I freaked out.  Did a quick head count to make sure I had everyone (I did).  Then went to investigate.  Found the little bugger behind the oven (he had set off a mousetrap, which made the noise when it hit the back of the oven).  I unfortunately do not contain the gene that allows me to kill an animal, even if it is a mouse who was trying to steal from my plan was to scoop him up and put him outside (knowing full well he'd probably be back in the house before I was).  So I got a box (my first mistake), shooed him in (he was scared so that wasn't difficult), and started to carry him to the door.  Well about halfway over he worked up the courage to start running around and climbing.  I screamed like a little girl, mousey jumped out of the box, and ran for my bedroom.  Dogs come running because I'm screaming, mouse luckily changed his mind about going for the bedroom and came back into the kitchen...fortunately right by the door.  So I open the door and start shooing him out, Ruthie suddenly sees him and dives.  I scream again.  Mouse runs for the door.  I'm so excited!  He's leaving!  Ruthie dives again.  Mouse dodges the door and runs back to the oven, which is now pulled away from the wall and exposed a huge hole in the wall behind it, and disappears into the hole.  Ugh.  Ruthie ruined my plan.  But I patched up the hole to hopefully prevent this exact issue from happening again.  Find a new path to my food, you rodents!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Our First Snow!

This is the obligatory "first snow for the Southern dogs" post!

After a brief period of panic where I thought I ruined my video...I have managed to recover!
(I should also mention that I'm babysitting the bulldogs again, you'll see Chuy in this video.)

The first time went really well.  As you can see, everyone ran outside and frolicked for a little while.  Though you can see how eager they are to get in at the end of the video.

In subsequent times, Ruthie and Tippy act like they don't even notice the snow.  They run around in it, chase each other, and do their business like any other day.  Jett is a little more fearful.  He sees that white stuff and won't even go outside.  If I go out first, he'll follow, but he stays very close to my feet as if he's not sure what to think about snow yet.

Jett with some snowflakes

Ruthie with some snowflakes

Monday, November 16, 2015

Recap of the Adoption Event

I want to start out by saying thank you to everyone who came out...I think we had a good turnout!

My pack and I were sat directly across from Ace, who was so adorable and was a master at getting attention.  I thought for sure that no one would notice us with that cute face over there.  Seriously, if anyone is looking for a dog with a really great, funny personality...Ace is your man.

Even though Ace stole a lot of our viewers, we still had a decent amount.  Everybody got a kick out of Ruthie and her high energy.  Especially the kids.  People were amazed at how high she could jump, and a common question I was asked was if I thought she could jump over a fence.  I have a 4' fence in my yard, and she hasn't ever been close to jumping over it.  Even when she's motivated by something interesting on the other side of the fence.  Jett got a couple comments about how funny he is in his videos.  And two separate people thought he would make a good agility dog, based on what they've seen of him.  I have to agree.  He has the right energy, he's still young and very eager to learn, and he's a smarty pants.  Tippy had a few people come to look at him too.  Everyone was so impressed with how calm he was.  He also got some comments on his beautiful coloring (white with some cream undertones, if you are wondering).

So, if anyone who came out was interested in any of these three (or any of the dogs you met!), I urge you to apply.  I'd love to see every dog that was there on Saturday go to a good home!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Meet My Pack!

Fluffy Dog Meet & Greet

Sat. Nov. 14th - Noon until 2pm
Tail Waggin' Doggy Daycare
647 Industrial Ct., Hartland
Check out the website to see which dogs are attending!  Tippy, Ruthie, and Jett will all be there!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Rochester Update!

I love getting updates on Chester (I called him Rocky).  I got this one in early October, but it slipped through the cracks and I forgot to post about it.  Thankfully his mom emailed me again!

This little cutie had a rough life for quite a while.  I am so glad he found such a wonderful home!  I just love seeing how happy he looks in all his pictures.  And he has a new sister that from the looks of it is a perfect fit with the rest of the family!

I think every time I do a Chester update, there's a picture of all the dogs on dad's lap.  So cute!

Such cute cuddle bugs! 

Happy puppies!  So glad they have such a wonderful family now!

Monday, November 2, 2015


My adorable little Jett-pack spent a lot of time playing by himself this weekend.  Not because no one else would play with him, he just wanted to play by himself.

Enjoy 4 solid minutes of Jett playing with a bug he found on the floor.

Now enjoy another minute or so of Jett playing ball.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Tippy, Ruthie, and Jett

Another weekend of great weather for pictures!  I finally got some good ones of Ruthie...she is so active it's difficult to get a non-blurry picture!

You may notice that I did manage to give everyone a haircut this week.  Tippy's is the best...he's the easiest to work with.  Ruthie isn't bad.  She didn't like the trimmer, but as long as I pet her and talked calmly to her while I was cutting her hair, she didn't mind too much.  She still needs a bit of trimming on the chest, but I have to find a time when she's ready to relax!  Jett's haircut still needs work.  He was terrified of the trimmer, so I have to do him by hand, and it's taking much longer.  But it's coming along bit by bit.

Ruthie - she actually paused for me!

Tippy in his usual relaxing pose

Aww shucks, mom!

Taking in that crisp Autumn air.

"Yes, I am the man of this house."

I asked them to give me their best smiles.

A great full body shot of Ruthie...look how beautiful she is!

"Mom, there's something behind you."

I had to crumple a leaf to get her attention here.

Leaf noises didn't keep her attention for long.

Squinting off into the distance.

Just look at this beautiful girl!

Jett loves to eat leaves.

Ruthie?  Is that you actually laying down?

Why yes, she does take a break once in a while!

Jett eating another leaf?  It can't be!

Ready to pounce on a good leaf.

Jett's best model pose.

Stalking his next leaf-prey.

"Heeheehee! I'm guilty of something!"

Smile so they don't suspect you.

This is a very handsome shot of Jett, don't you agree?

This pup is growing up to be a very wonderful, loving boy!