What a wonderful week! For having 3 relatively new dogs in the house, it's been pretty easy going. There has been some drama in my foster world this week, but nothing I can't deal with. It may lead to some good news too, so stay tuned!
Miss Rosie has been with me for about 3 weeks now, and she is finally starting to come out of her shell with me (thanks in part to Shelby). I have discovered that she is not fully housebroken (definitive guide has been fixed). Rosie does this thing where she'll pee a little bit, walk around, then pee some more. Well, I had been discovering little pee spots in the house and I was attributing them to Ellie Mae. I thought it was strange that they continued to show up after Ellie left...so I connected the dots and realized it was Rosie all along. (Apologies to Ellie for thinking she was having accidents those last couple days!) This doesn't change the fact that Rosie does still ring the bells on occasion. Sometimes I think she either forgets or doesn't make it in time. Either way, we're working on it, and the last couple days have gone very well. Rosie has been much more cuddly with me lately. While she's never really had an issue laying by me, now it seems more like she does it because she wants to be near me rather than doing it because I'm safe. One negative about Rosie: the last week she's started to bark in the morning. Granted, it's only after my alarm goes off, so I really should be up anyway. But she wasn't doing it before, so it's something I'm trying to figure out.
Rosie, looking regal. |
Miss Shelby sure has a personality on her. She loves to play play play. She will occasionally break long enough to let me pet her. But then it's right back to playing. I really have to give her props too, she's the only foster I've had who has gotten Hardy to play. 90% of the time she's playing with Rosie, I assume because they're both relatively young and similar sizes. But she does play with Mocha and Hardy when Rosie is resting. One of my favorite things to watch is when Hardy grabs a squeaky toy and lays on the dog bed, Shelby will just walk over and grab it. Rosie will be interested, so she'll walk over to Shelby, Shelby will drop the toy and start playing with Rosie, Hardy will sneak in and grab the toy and go lay back on the dog bed. Shelby will see this, stop playing, and go grab the toy. Then it starts all over again.
Hi mom, I'm adorable! |
Ok mom, that's enough pictures. |
Mr. Mocha is a doll. He is such a laid back dog. He spends most of his time just chillin', watching what's going on around him. While Shelby and Rosie are on the floor wrestling, Mocha will take a nap on a pillow or on the couch. He occasionally hops down, grabs a toy (he likes the biggest rope toy I have for some strange reason), and hops back up. As of Thursday morning, he has started to get more comfortable with me. He actually crawled into my lap and laid down while I was eating my breakfast. Sure, maybe he just wanted to be close the the dish in case I spilled, but I like to think he wanted to cuddle. One thing about Mocha is that he is heartworm positive. It's not good news at all, but I have to be honest and say I'm excited I get to have him around for another month.
I'm cute and tiny and I love to climb! |
Look how fast I can run! |
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