There are 5 dogs in my house. I'm not going crazy yet, but I fear I don't have long. Someone help me out by adopting a dog (or 3!).
As you may have read in my previous post, Rocky is back and is better than ever. His short stint in an adoptive home really seemed to have helped his shyness toward new people. There's a silver lining in everything! He's doing extremely well back with me. He's stopped marking his territory now, so that helps my sanity the most. He's having a ton of fun playing with Shelby and Rosie, so he's not even being super needy with me. He still has his moments where he feels he needs to have a paw on my shoulder, but it's not as often as it was a couple weeks ago.
Rocky found his comfy spot on the couch. |
Update: Well that didn't take long!
Rosie loves having Rocky back. Sure, she enjoys playing with Shelby, but now she has two buddies! Those three run around the house like crazy. In fact, as I'm writing this they are chasing each other all over the place. If this continues all day, I'll surely get a good nights sleep! :-) Rosie is getting better with her housebreaking. She seems to not be ringing the bells anymore, but she does go sit by the back door when she wants to go out. I'm also getting better at noticing her signs, and she's a very good listener when I jump up and say it's time to go outside. When I open the door, she's always the first one out. She does her business, then hangs out until I call the dogs back in...and she comes running back inside. No arguments from this girl!
Doesn't this remind you of one of those 90's Glamour Shots poses? |
Shelby is finally warming up to me! Almost exactly 2 weeks after I brought her home, she finally felt comfortable enough to crawl into my lap last night. She was so cute I just wanted to cuddle her...but didn't for fear of scaring her off. While she was there, I combed her hair. It wasn't tangled, but it just needed a brushing. She was very good about it. Then I also noticed she had 2 pieces of hair in her eyes, so I trimmed those. She didn't mind at all. And now I can see her beautiful eyeballs all the time. As a related side note to potential adopters...Shelby has permanent puppy dog face. So she will probably get everything she wants from you.
Playing tug-of-war with Hardy. |
Permanent puppy dog eyes. |
Mocha is doing well this week, after his heartworm shots. The vets loved him, and all said how cute he was. I'm not having too tough a time keeping him calm. The one issue he has is with Rocky. Their dominant male personalities just don't go together. Well, Rocky doesn't mind him so much (probably knows he's 20x Mocha's size and could kick his little butt in a fight), but Mocha does not like Rocky even a little bit. So any time Rocky gets too close, Mocha growls and stands up. That's the only real time I have to calm him down. And fortunately for me, Rocky is a good listener, so I just tell him to go stand somewhere else and he walks away. Mocha has really gotten more comfortable with me over the last week. He has no problem laying in my lap now, and even prefers it over laying next to me. I do comb Mocha's hair as often as I can, because he's such a fluff ball. He doesn't mind it, unless we find a tangle. Then he gets (rightfully) upset. He also does not like his face to be touched. I like to clean the dogs' eye boogers every night, but it's a real struggle with Mocha. He also has really long hair that blocks his beautiful eyes, so I'm in the process of trying to cut it. I think I have one eye fairly cleaned up, but we're still working on the other one.
Mocha the champ after his heartworm shots. |
I needed to keep Mocha from playing while I did some house cleaning. |
Three of my cuddle bugs (Rosie, Shelby, and Mocha) |
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