Many, many apologies for the lack of updates in a while. My original excuse is the holidays...with so much traveling there just wasn't the time to get on here to write an update. But that's all about to change!
First, an update on Henry (fka Tippy). As expected, he is doing wonderfully in his forever home. His mom sent me a few pictures, and he is just so cute! Sounds like he's not a fan of the snow, but loves his walks so much that he tolerates it. And with all his cute outfits, he probably doesn't even know that snow is cold!
Hiking at Devil's Lake. Is this not a beautiful picture? |
Wearing a sweater knitted by his mom. What a handsome fella! He looks so dapper. |
Hanging out with his mom on a walk. Looks like he's keeping warm! |
Second, an update on Zuzu (formerly Queenie). She is also doing wonderfully with her forever family, who added a new dog brother to their pack last year! It sounds like they are the best of long as he knows that Zuzu is the queen of the household. And what do you know, more puppies in adorable sweaters! Clearly this is a trend I need to get on top of...
Leo and Zuzu posing beautifully for the camera. I need to learn that trick! |
Third, updates on Owen, Minaki, and Ryleigh. My pups are doing wonderfully. Everyone is housebroken now (they have been for quite a while, but I don't know if I've mentioned it on here yet). Owen and Ryleigh are crate trained and sleep in their crates every night. Minaki is crate trained, but most of the time she is allowed to sleep in bed with me (she will go in the crate, but she doesn't like it). I am going to be bringing these 3 cuties to the adoption event at Tail Waggin Doggy Daycare in Hartland this Saturday (11-1).
Look! I did jump on the doggy clothing train! They all have matching coats. It was impossible to get a photo of all of them at once. So on the left we have Owen and Ryleigh. On the top right, we have Dexter (a friend's dog, not for adoption). On the bottom right we have Hardy and Minaki escaping the picture. |
Caught Owen mid-yawn in his coat. |
Minaki is clearly not thrilled to be wearing her t-shirt and coat. |
Ryleigh is just a happy pup 100% of the time. |
I got a selfie stick for xmas, so now I can take better family portraits! Left to right: Hardy, Owen, Minaki |
The full family! |
And the last update - and the most personal - is regarding my own puppy, Hardy. I know some of you are facebook friends with me, so you already know the story. But I wanted to share here as well for those of you who don't know. I had noticed on New Years Eve that my baby wasn't feeling very well. The following week, he wavered between acting sick and in perfect health. So I didn't take him to the vet until a week later. Unfortunately, they discovered a tumor attached to his spleen. We did many tests, but they came back inconclusive. So last Thursday, I dropped him off for surgery. He had the tumor and his spleen removed in the process. Post-surgery, the vet informed me that the tumor had broken off the spleen and he was bleeding internally. If we hadn't caught it, he would have eventually bled to death. So a bit of good news there. The vet then sent the tumor into the lab to get it tested. I just received those results yesterday, and unfortunately my Hardy has Hemangiosarcoma, which was our worst case scenario. Prognosis with this disease, after the surgery, is a 1-3 month lifespan. Fortunately, chemotherapy is an option, but it only extends the prognosis to a 9-12 month lifespan. So we are going to do the chemo, because 1-3 months is just not enough time for me (9-12 isn't either, but I'll take what I can get). My vet suggested I get a second opinion, so we have that appointment next Wednesday. Then I will have a couple days to decide where to do the chemo (he can't start until he's fully healed from the surgery). So...that's what's going on in my life! I hope I didn't make anyone sad, as that is certainly not my intention. I would love it if anyone reading this would go home tonight and give their pets an extra hug from me. :-)
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