This week I not only had a dog of my own and 4 fosters, but I also babysat 2 dogs for a friend who was going out of town. Luckily they know me and are good it wasn't too overwhelming with 7 dogs in the house!
Meet Chelsea (left) and Chuy (right)! |
Chelsea and Chuy are English Bulldogs who are individually as big as the rest of the dogs combined. But they are real sweethearts. Chelsea loves to play, so she tried so hard to play with Ruthie and Jett, but every time she'd run at them they'd run away barking like they were dieing. Chuy is more of a lover, so he just tried to cuddle with everybody.
Chuy and Ruthie napping together |
Rosie is one week out from her surgery now, and her eye looks amazing. We're still putting her eye medicine in for a few more days, but the difference has already been made. She is a beauty. Her haircut is another story. I have now had 3 people make fun of her haircut! I don't take it personally, of course...I know I'm terrible at giving doggy haircuts. That's why I take Hardy to a groomer. But I will work on Rosie so that her forever family can see how beautiful she is without a goofy cut.
Hardy actually let Rosie nap with him for once! |
Tippy could also use a summer haircut. But I wouldn't want to do him unless he lets me use the clippers. No way am I trimming that ball of fluff with a scissors! I'd be there for a week! I bet he'd be very handsome with a short cut...I'm going to think on this. Tipster is doing really well around the house. I almost want to say he's housetrained, except that he still doesn't ring the bells to go outside!
Tippy napping in a sun spot on top of the couch. |
Tippy doing his post-nap stretches |
Ruthie is such a doll. She can't stand to be a minute without having her human next to her. And I mean right next to her...she must be touching you at all times. Some may think it's annoying, I think it's adorable. I think I mentioned in my initial Ruthie post that she had a bald spot near her butt where she had been itching? Well I'm happy to report that she hasn't touched it since she came to live with me, and the hair is starting to fill back in.
Ruthie, Jett, Rosie, and Hardy napping together |
Ruthie, Rosie, and Jett napping...we sure do nap a lot around my house, don't we?! |
Jett is really letting his personality come out, and boy is it a fun one! He is ALWAYS playing. Ruthie, Tippy, and Rosie are all playmates to him. If one doesn't want to play, he'll find another. He only likes to play with toys if someone else is playing with him. We are still working on housebreaking, but he is improving so much. If I see him doing his potty moves and quickly tell him to go outside, he will! Accidents in the house are definitely on the decline.
Rosie, Jett, Tippy, Ruthie, and Hardy all napping |
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