What a weekend! Rosie and Shelby went to the Meet & Greet at the Doggy Bag in Oconomowoc, and we had a blast. We were paired up with Maisey, which really wasn't fair. She is so cute that within 5 minutes I almost adopted her! She was a cross between Shelby (friendly & energetic) and Rosie (polite). She also generated a lot of interest, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's adopted soon! Shelby loved everybody that came through. She didn't care who you were, if you were within leash range, you were going to pet her. She did jump up a lot, which I tried to discourage, but it's hard to stop an animal lover from allowing it. She got a lot of comments on how adorable she was. Rosie was her typical laid back self. She didn't jump up on anybody, or force anyone to pet her. But she did wander around to sniff the other dogs and people, and she let a few people pet her. Many people commented on how polite she was. Both my girls had some good feedback, so fingers crossed for them!
This weekend was our best weekend yet for housebreaking. Only 2 accidents all weekend. Between Hardy and Rosie, I think I was letting them out every half hour yesterday. It was driving me nuts, but I'd rather do that than have to clean up accidents.
Rosie is really doing well lately. Her housebreaking is so improved I can't even believe it. She is really understanding that she needs to go outside to go potty. I think the extreme cold the last couple weeks might have been hindering her progress (I can't blame her), but this weekend she really showed me that she knows what's going on. She is also getting really great at "sit." She still doesn't do it very often on her own (if I just say "sit"), but if I put my hand up like I'm going to push her butt down, she will sit (without me actually having to push her butt down). She's kind of weird and turns around so she's facing away from me when she does that. But maybe with more practice she'll figure out to face me.
Not a good picture of Rosie, but both their tongues are out so I thought it was cute. |
Shelby is also doing really well. I think her housebreaking was also hindered by the cold weather, but she's started to go by the door and growl when she wants to go out. Not sure why she doesn't just use the bells. But it works, so I'm not upset. She does sometimes go to the front door, which I never let them out of, so that's kind of weird. But I think she picked that up from Hardy, who scratches at the front door whenever he wants to go outside (really not sure why he does that either, to be honest). Shelby is excellent at "sit." I barely have to say the word before her butt is on the ground.
Shelby playing tug-of-war. |
Shelby fell asleep on my leg while I was crafting. |
Update: Yippee!
Mocha is terr...just kidding, Mocha is a doll. He's also got "sit" down pat. He also rarely has accidents in the house. And most of those are territorial (e.g. Hardy's crate). He does not let me know when he needs to go outside, and he doesn't go out nearly as often as the others. But he holds it well, so I'm not complaining. This morning he wanted to play fetch, which he's never done before. It was adorable. I was getting ready for work, and he came strolling into the bathroom with one of the mini tennis balls in his mouth. I took it from him (no growling or aggression from him at all), and tossed it. He ran after it and brought it back. We were able to do it a few more times before Rosie and Shelby got curious and ended our game.
Sorry, Mocha! Looks like all my good pictures this week were of Shelby. |
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