Merry Post Christmas, everyone! The dogs and I all had a great week. I had a 5 day weekend, so we got to spend a lot of time together. On Wednesday morning, we all packed up for a road trip. They were very good complaining at all! Rocky did make one attempt to come in the front seat, but after a stern warning he retreated. Rocky and Ellie had both met my dad before, but this was the first time anyone was meeting my stepmom, sister, or Maggie (the family pug). Everyone got along great. My stepmom was still working when we got there, and my sister was hid away in her bedroom, so the dogs had a bit of time to get used to the new house without too many people around. They were all acting a bit shy, so most of our time was spent with them on my lap. Maggie wasn't too fond of all the new dogs in her house getting all kinds of attention, so she was quite whiny. But no one fought with each other. On Thursday I wanted to spend some time with my grandma before I headed back home, so I left the dogs at the house. I was nervous that there would be issues if I wasn't there, but when I came back after about 3 hours I had very positive results. I guess my stepmom took my place as the doggy lover, and at one point she had all 5 dogs sitting on her. I wish they would have taken a picture of that for me! When we got home, I gave the dogs their Christmas presents from me, which consisted of A LOT of toys...most of which are continually strewn about the living room (no matter how many times I pick them up). I find that the tennis balls are the most popular toy currently. With the ropes and the stuffed animals coming in close behind. As I type this I can hear them playing tug-of-war with something.
Rochester is getting so much better at being around people. He was great at my dad's house. He growled a bit at my stepmom when she first came in the house, but after she came over and said hello he was fine. He's also still doing so well with Ellie. She is really not fond of going outside, but she will follow Rocky out every time. So now when I want Ellie to go out, I just have Rocky go out first. He's such a great roll model!
Ellie is getting a lot better at her potty training. She didn't have a single accident at my dad's house, and she hasn't had any accidents since we've been home. That's 5 whole days accident free! She has also been going near the back door quite a bit lately. Still not making noise or ringing the bell, but she will wait there patiently until I notice and open the door.
Duffy is a darling, as usual. Did I say last week that he's housebroken? I believe he is. No accidents from him, and the territory marking has stopped (we had an incident a week or so ago when I let him in a room I usually keep the dogs out of). I was worried he'd mark at my dad's house, so I made him wear a diaper when we first got there. I didn't see him attempt anything, and then I forgot to take the diaper off before my dad took him out for a walk, so that plan ended up ruined anyway. But even without the diaper I don't think he did anything. Oh, he did manage to escape when I was bringing things in the house (there's a lot of stuff to travel with 4 dogs!). I chased him around the neighborhood for a bit until he got to the neighbor's, who happened to be letting her dog out. Luckily that got him to stop for long enough for me to grab him and bring him back in.
Duffy & Ellie cuddling in the back seat on our way to Christmas! |
Duffy cuddling in a blanket. |
Ellie playing dead. |
All 3 of my foster babies cuddling next to me. |
Ellie sleeping against Duffy. |
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Duffy and Rocky enjoying some sunshine on top of my couch. |
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Still waiting on one set of pictures to upload. This is taking forever! |
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