Monday, September 15, 2014

Novelle, Rochester, & Ollie

Well the dogs finally managed to outsmart me.  I make it a rule that they aren't allowed to sleep in bed with me.  So every night when Ollie & Rocky jump up (Novelle is a good girl and listens when I say no), I would push them back down again and make them sleep on the floor.  Well, they realized if they wait until I'm asleep, I won't push them off the bed.  So for the last couple days I've been waking up with them in bed with me.  The little stinkers.  It is partly my fault...I have a small bed for Hardy on the other side of my nightstand.  Lately, Novelle has been sleeping in it (even though this bed is made for a small cat)...which is absolutely adorable, but Hardy refuses to sleep anywhere except his bed or mine.  So since Novelle is in his bed, I let him sleep in my bed.  And that's where Ollie and Rocky got jealous I guess.  Maybe I'll have to start crating them at night.  We'll see.

In other exciting news...
I put up a fence this weekend!  Just something temporary until I can save up a bit and do some landscaping and then put up a real fence.  Probably next year.  But until then, this fence will do.  My puppies didn't understand it at first.  They stayed within their leash radii until I walked out to the fence line.  But now they go all over.  There are some dogs around the corner from us, behind some woods so they can't see each other, but within hearing range.  So my puppies sit at the corner of the fence and they bark back and forth.  I have to say, putting the fence up was one of the best things I have done.  No more dogs jumping on me while I put on leashes, no more untangling leashes on a daily's heaven.  My next goal is getting all that landscaping out of there and seeding the whole thing with grass so they can really run around and play.

Novelle, Rochester, & Ollie sleeping (on the floor...yay!)

Rochester, Novelle, and Ollie getting a drink

Novelle sleeping in Hardy's tiny bed, and Rochester sleeping in my nightstand.

 A cute picture of Ollie laying on my lap.

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