Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Help Needed, Please!

This week, Montreal passed a law banning Pit Bulls (a name covering several breeds), or dogs resembling Pit Bulls. Existing owners will get to keep their dogs, after paying a hefty fee and complying with several other new rules. But dogs in shelters won't be so lucky. There is a ban on adoptions and on October 3rd (next Monday), they are going to start euthanizing them.

As a lover of all dogs, I don't think it's fair to kill thousands of innocent dogs because of a stereotype. A stereotype which I don't agree with.

Plus, my birthday happens to be October 3rd. Please do me a birthday favor and sign the petition to stop this legislation before it takes effect and ends these innocent lives.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Mistakes Were Made

Dirty Owen and Muddy Paws Ryleigh in the back

Does anyone else ever completely forget that you have a full section of yard that's not seeded, so you let your dogs outside during a downpour?  No?  Just me?

Oh, if only Owen didn't love to be outside, no matter what the weather!  The rest of the dogs wouldn't get within 10' of the door, but Owen was bugging me to go outside, so like any other day I let him out.  I was putting the final coat of stain on my kitchen cabinets, so it was easy to check on him often.  He was out for probably close to an hour, then I decided Ryleigh needed to go out too.  I had to physically put her out, because as previously mentioned she was not going willingly.  Not too long after she went out I did a quick check and saw Owen with his face on the ground like he was sniffing something.  Now, it's important to note that my backyard slopes downhill about 30' away from my house, and from where I was standing I couldn't see the unseeded area.  It took me about 2 minutes after I had checked in on him for it to occur to me that he was standing right in the middle of it.  So I quickly ran to the door to call him in, and this is what I was greeted with.  He had no idea why I wouldn't let him in the house straight away!  And he was not happy that he only made it two steps in before I threw a towel over his entire body and carried him straight to the bathtub.  But he did feel very good about himself after his quick bath.  He let me blow dry his hair with no complaints, and he gave me a face full of kisses once I let him back into the living room!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Dress-up Day!

So I've had a bunch of dog clothes of various sizes for about a year just tucked away in a closet.  Yesterday I saw another Fluffy Dog blog where they had dressed their dog up and it reminded me about my stash, so last night I got it out and had some fun!  Unfortunately I don't have any clothes big enough for Owen, so he had to run around naked.  Probably for the best, as his thoughts on dog clothes basically amounted to a good place to grab onto while playing.

This is the look Mini gives when she wants her bed to herself.

And this is the look she gives when she gets it!
That's a proud stance!

Sisterly love! <3

I somehow got all 3 dogs to look at me at the same time!  Look how cute they are!

Ryleigh sleeping in her new t-shirt.

This is Ryleigh's "I know everything, and let me tell you about it" pose.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Fence - Update!

Friday night I finished lining the base of the fence with wire, so I opened up the temporary fence and let the pups run wild!  As you can see, they loved all their new space!

We still have a few steps to go before our lovely backyard is finished.  I need to put down the last of the landscape fabric along the house and along the rest of the deck within the fenced-in area.  Then I need to put the wire lining up against the deck (I already had one escapee via a hole under the deck, so that's high priority).  I need to come up with some sort of plan to block off the area under the gates (the plastic baby gate isn't going to cut it forever!).  I also need to plant grass over the drywell area.  That is all slated for this year, hopefully in the coming week or two.  Then next year, I'll be putting in some sort of block/stone/concrete border around the edge of the landscaping fence and putting in a few plants!  Well, depending on what kind of late season deals I see this year, plants might come this year yet.  :-)